About Us

Dr. Michael D. and First Lady Angela W. McClure, Sr.
Thank you for allowing Revelation Church and my family to share our vision for ministry in this age of promise, prosperity, and possibilities. Our focus is to share the gospel with the world through a non-denominational cutting-edge message mixed with a flavor of honesty, help, and humor for the hungry soul. We have a sincere passion for the heart and will of GOD and to see the kingdom of GOD manifested in the lives of GOD’S people. This will be accomplished through dramatic, uncompromising teachings that are easily grasped and applied through everyday life.
The LORD has gifted Angela & I with revelatory insight into subjects such as family, marriage, covenant, and spiritual authority.
Enjoy the site and hopefully we will see you soon in one our celebration services.
Preparing People For The Promise
Dr. Michael D. McClure Sr.